Code of Conduct

As an NDIS provider Aspire Options is committed to providing safe, quality and equitable services to all participants and in doing so adhere to the Code of Conduct as set out by the NDIS Quality & Safeguard Commission. 

NDIS Code of Conduct

The Code is a set of obligations all staff of Aspire Options are obligated to adhere to, promoting a culture of zero tolerance of abuse of people with a disability.

Our five (5) obligations are to:

1. Providing services without engaging in abuse, exploitation, harassment or neglect.
2. Reporting any form of abuse or suspected abuse.
3. Providing services that do not engage in sexual abuse or misconduct and will report such conduct by other people such as other workers, people with a disability, family members, carers or other community members.
4. Show respect for cultural differences when providing services to participants
5. Act ethically, with integrity, honesty and transparency on all occasions.

Child Safe Standards (

All Victorian organisations that provide services to children are required by law to comply with the Child Safe Standards. These standards have been designed to drive cultural change within organisations like ours to ensure that protecting children from abuse is embedded in our everyday thinking and our service planning and delivery.

The Child Safe Standards assist Aspire Options to:
1. Promote the safety of children
2. Prevent child abuse
3. Implement processes to respond and report to allegations of child abuse
4. Encourage children to “have a say” on issues that are important to them or about decisions that affect their lives.

As a key component of the Child Safe Standards Aspire Options embeds the following principles in our practice and service delivery:

Promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal Children (
Promoting the cultural safety of children from Culturally and Linguistically diverse backgrounds (
Promoting the safety of children with a disability (

Breaches of the Codes
If you feel that at any time Aspire Options is in breach of your rights and these codes of conduct please let us know by contacting us by telephone 1800 508 955, in writing to PO Box 238 Nathalia VIC 3638 or by email as we are committed to ensuring that we are continually providing services to participants and their families that are of the highest quality with the appropriate safeguards in place.

If you are unhappy with how we have addressed your concerns you can contact:

NDIS Quality & Safeguard Commission
1800 035 544


With a COVID SAFE plan in place, Aspire Options is continuing to offer face-to-face therapy services (whilst applying social distancing, correct PPE, hand hygiene and appropriate cleaning).

Telehealth, Zoom and FaceTime appointments will continue to be available for safety and convenience.

The health and safety of our clients, their families and our team remain paramount. We are confident our team can provide a quality face-to-face service while adhering to our Coronavirus Policy (which continues to be modified according to the environmental factors and governmental directives and supports a safe environment for our clients and team alike).

Embrace the ‘new normal’ and together we can overcome!

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