
Aspire Options encourages participants and their representatives to have the confidence to voice their concerns, opinions or dissatisfaction at any time.

Aspire Options Pty Ltd values and respects the opinions of all people with a disability and seeks to listen, work with and resolve concerns for the purposes of improving outcomes for all people with disabilities, present and future. It is crucial participants know raising a matter will not in any way impact their current or future service provision (Refer to Client Services Charter)

Participants and their representatives can make contact with Aspire Options through several channels to discuss dissatisfaction, concern or complaints that include:
• Email –
• Phone – 1800 508 955
• Face to Face – Office 12 Blake Street Nathalia VIC 3638
• In writing – PO Box 238, Nathalia VIC 3638.
• Completing the online complaints form below

The Complaint Process
Aspire Options will acknowledge a receipt of your complaint unless it is anonymous or the contact details were not provided for the person making the complaint.
A Director of Aspire Options will make a time to meet with the participant to discuss their concern, dissatisfaction or complaint as a way of gathering relevant information to assist with developing a plan for appropriate actions moving forward to resolve the concern or complaint.
In the event that the concern, dissatisfaction or complaint is being made on behalf of a person with a disability the Director will enquire as to whether the person with a disability is aware of the concern being raised on their behalf. Aspire Options is focused on determining what is important to and for the person receiving the service and will, therefore, seek to involve this person as much as practical throughout the process.

Resolution of a Complaint
Aspire Options will strive towards working with the participant or representative as a measure of leading to an early resolution of concern, dissatisfaction or complaint. Aspire Options may:
• Work directly with the participant and their representative to understand the concern or complaint and how this can be resolved.
• May request further information and documentation to clarify issues.
• Document the complaint, process and outcomes on the complaints register for continuous service improvement.

What happens if my complaint is not resolved with Aspire Options?
Where Aspire Options cannot resolve the concern, dissatisfaction or complaint made by a participant or a representative you will be provided with the details of the National Disability Commission, from here you can escalate your concerns, dissatisfaction or complaint.
Fact sheet on how to make a complaint



Your Privacy
Aspire Options complaints service is confidential. Aspire Options collects information, including sensitive information, to perform actions under the requirement of the National Disability Services Act 2013. Aspire Options is committed to the proper handling of information following the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 and the NDIS Protection and Disclosure of Information Rules. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.


With a COVID SAFE plan in place, Aspire Options is continuing to offer face-to-face therapy services (whilst applying social distancing, correct PPE, hand hygiene and appropriate cleaning).

Telehealth, Zoom and FaceTime appointments will continue to be available for safety and convenience.

The health and safety of our clients, their families and our team remain paramount. We are confident our team can provide a quality face-to-face service while adhering to our Coronavirus Policy (which continues to be modified according to the environmental factors and governmental directives and supports a safe environment for our clients and team alike).

Embrace the ‘new normal’ and together we can overcome!

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